Post Your Help Story

Can be Public or Private; your choice!

  • Did you save room for dessert?

    Work ordered in for us from Little Italy today. As people were done, I subtly offered to clear their trash for them. At one point I draped a paper towel over my left forearm like a fancy server at a high-end restaurant and asked a coworker if they saved any room for dessert. 😋

  • 🏴‍☠️

    My buddy is building a wooden pirate ship for my theater production of Peter Pan. So I posting about how such a nice guy is helping me. After all, inspiration is inspiration!

  • Deeper appreciation

    I fairly recently suggested an older TV series to a coworker I thought would really like it. He’s loving it and comes in almost every day talking about all the different goings-on in the new episode or two he’s watched. I saw the series about 20 years ago, when it first came out. Without giving a hint of any spoilers, I’ve been able to consistently give him alternate viewpoints and ways to frame things he’s seen, which has given him a much deeper appreciation of the show while still keeping the upcoming twists and amazing reveals a complete surprise for him.

  • Environment

    I helped my mental health today by tidying up my space. I washed dishes, did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen, made some organizational to-do notes, etc. A tidy and comfortable space helps me to focus better and be more able to tell ADHD to stick it!

  • Self help

    Today I took a mental health day and barely got out of bed all day. Just TV, making art on my phone, snuggling kitties, and cat naps. Sometimes I’ve got to put the oxygen mask on myself and rejuvenate to be most ready to help others.

  • Please go ahead…

    I was in line at the grocery store with a cart full. A couple was scanning the lanes and had maybe a dozen items. I told them to go ahead of me, as I’d only have to wait a minute or two for them to be done, whereas they’d have to wait several minutes for me to get through.

    While they were being checked out, the lady was telling the cashier that all the grapes in the multi-fruit packs had white, moldy fuzz on them, like in her pack. She said she didn’t really mind, because they only really wanted the sliced apples, anyway. But she wanted to make sure they knew that all the grapes were bad in those packs. I told her that was normal for this time of year, as the grapes had grown their winter coats, and that they’d shed them as Spring started to come on. She took me somewhat seriously at first, so I had to let her know I was just joking.

    While grabbing a quick dinner at the drive through on the way home, I rounded up for charity, donating $0.68, or thereabouts.

  • 🏃‍♀️🏃

    Nurse Cindy comes running down the elementary school hallway, her face tense with urgency. One of the teachers murmurs, “That’s not like her…”

    Curious, I take off after her. “Nurse Cindy!” I call, but she barely glances back.

    “Not now, I’m busy,” she says, pushing forward.

    “I’m coming with you,” I insist, matching her pace.

    As we near the bus lot, I finally get the answer—one of the bus drivers’ blood sugar has dropped dangerously low, and he’s collapsed.

    “What can I do?” I ask as we approach.

    “Go to my office,” she says quickly. “There’s peanut butter in my cabinet. Grab a plastic spoon and bring it back. Hurry!”

    Without hesitation, I take off running, rain pelting against me as I sprint across the campus. My shoes skid on the wet pavement, but I push on, heart pounding. Reaching her office, I fumble through the cabinet, struggling to find the peanut butter. Finally, my hands close around the jar.

    I race back, breathless, and hand it to her. She takes it with a grateful nod, immediately getting to work.

    I double over, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. At that moment, the principal walks by and says, “ you really need to work on your cardio. “ 🤪

  • Above and Beyond

    Today I helped a friend realize that they’re generally a helpful person on a daily basis already, and that going “above and beyond” is not necessary to check off their daily help goal. Taking care of your family counts. Taking care of people you work with counts.

    I offered that when people explicitly ask for help and you’re already busy, it’s okay to say no without any feelings of guilt. When someone already has a full and busy life with family, work, hobbies, and other projects, saying no to one way of helping allows us be able to more intentionally direct and focus our energy into ways that may be even more helpful.

    I think when it all boils down, no one owes us anything, and none of us really owe anyone else (except for that loan shark you borrowed from to feed your chocoholic habit. Pay that guy ASAP and reevaluate your willpower.) It’s up to each of us as individuals how and when we do a little extra. So when we do more than the bare minimum when it comes to sharing ourselves, our effort, our time and resources, well that’s more than the world would have otherwise – whether we “owe” it or not. It’s a small way to make things a little better than we found them.

  • ✋🏻 🌱

    “Would you like a job?” my coworker asked me yesterday.

    “Of course,” I said. “Sure, why not? I like to help.”

    “Will you cut the legs off this stool so it’s two inches shorter?”

    So here I am outside with power tools and a friend, making this stool shorter.

    I take it to work today, and she says, “That’s wonderful. I love it. Can you do 25 more over the week end?”

    ✋🏻 🌱

  • Site Update

    Today I helped myself hopefully help others in the future by making upgrades to this website.

    Contact Us

    Now we have a Contact Us page, so users can contact us with questions, suggestions, or whatever else they might have in mind.


    I’ve set up a forms system that will allow us to subscribe to the newsletter. Now I’ll have to make some tweaks so that folks can actually join the site!