Today I found on Facebook and reached out to a coworker from a former job. She has always been kind and helped people when she could. I expressed positive thoughts that I’ve had about her over the years, but had never told her. She deserves to hear how her efforts to be a light to people is actually touching the lives of others. So I wrote:
“Hey, Miss Julie. When you and Mr. Jim Karr talked several years ago about photo restoration and such, and you recommended he contact me, a beautiful friendship developed. I still do the occasional odd job for him and visit him when I get the chance to come back to Virginia.
Also, I’ve been really grateful that you were always so kind to me when I got to go “shopping” when space management had extra stuff to clear out. It was so nice of you to help me find the gluten-free stuff to take home for Angie. So thanks for being such a wonderful person. The world is better because of you. ❤️ I hope you’re having a great start to a great new year that will keep bringing good experiences your way.”
Her response was sincere and she said Jim is such a special man (he is). She’s helped me, even if it might seems in a small way; but what she’s done, and who she has chosen to be, has stayed with me to this day. So my hope is that me taking a moment to recognize her and thank her has helped her in some small way.
Kindness is free; and worth its weight in gold, love, trust, and vulnerable, shared humanity. Thanks again, Miss Julie.
*Names have been changed to protect anonymity, but everything else is true.
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