I was in line at the grocery store with a cart full. A couple was scanning the lanes and had maybe a dozen items. I told them to go ahead of me, as I’d only have to wait a minute or two for them to be done, whereas they’d have to wait several minutes for me to get through.

While they were being checked out, the lady was telling the cashier that all the grapes in the multi-fruit packs had white, moldy fuzz on them, like in her pack. She said she didn’t really mind, because they only really wanted the sliced apples, anyway. But she wanted to make sure they knew that all the grapes were bad in those packs. I told her that was normal for this time of year, as the grapes had grown their winter coats, and that they’d shed them as Spring started to come on. She took me somewhat seriously at first, so I had to let her know I was just joking.
While grabbing a quick dinner at the drive through on the way home, I rounded up for charity, donating $0.68, or thereabouts.
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