I set up a Facebook “Have a Heart” <3 Valentine’s Day countdown fundraiser to try to raise $200.00 by the Day of Love. I donated $35.00 to kick things off and help entice others to follow suit. Click the image to see the fundraiser. Every little bit adds up. That’s the whole mantra of this website – “No amount of help is too small!”. Even the smallest bits add up quickly when we multiply our efforts by all doing what we can when we can. The second mantra, and just as important, is “DO NOT FEEL OBLIGATED OR PRESSURED!” If you can’t donate now, or ever, do not feel guilty, ashamed, or that you’re being judged. NO judgment here. I sincerely appreciate you just being here. If YOU need help, do not be afraid or ashamed to ask. I will do what I can to help direct you to the best resources to help get you where you need to be. We are all in this life together, and no matter what anyone else might say, that’s true – whether we act like it or not. So I’m starting with me, and trying to act like it just a little more each day. I’m going to exercise this “helping” muscle until it starts running on autopilot! That’s the goal, anyway. Join me. We can have wins and losses and ups and downs together. We’re human. So we’re not always going to be at our best. And that’s okay. As long as I’m honest with myself and others, I’ll also not always be at my lowest. And that’s okay, too. You and I both deserve self-credit for even the smallest positive things we do. I’m not saying any of this to praise myself, but I’m also tired of doing the opposite of praising myself. It’s time to allow myself to feel some self worth for being the mostly decent person I am and for my good intentions I act upon. Same goes for you and all the rest of us. You have worth. And you can grow it by sharing your better moments with the world. It’s true that sometimes a simple smile to a stranger can renew their faith in the world, even if only for now. That’s a start. And the more often you give out that energy, the more likely you’re going to be giving something to someone when they’re in need of that very thing. Your efforts are never wasted. Don’t let your self doubt tell you any different. You’re a bad mamma jamma, so keep that up!!

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