I’m learning some world capitals. Maybe some of the rice is helping people near some of these places I’m learning a little about.

I’m learning some world capitals. Maybe some of the rice is helping people near some of these places I’m learning a little about.
I’m on fire with a steak of recognizing the symbols of even more unstable, reactive, combustible elements of the periodic table. And filling bowls all the while.
It’s kind of neat that I can feed folks by knowing chemical symbols for elements, and also that the food will be broken down into those same elements and compounds to sustain us. Yay chemistry!
More free rice; how very nice!
Answering with the right stuff yields donations of the white stuff, which can be used to make a rice flour that has a ton of great uses.
More Spanish vocabulary = more donated rice.
I learned a bit of geography and generated a few bites for someone.
I played the quiz game at FreeRice.com, which is a site that donates to the needy a certain number of grains of rice per correct answer. There are several categories including word meanings, geography, math, history and more. I got over 700 grains today. Try it out by clicking here!
Work ordered in for us from Little Italy today. As people were done, I subtly offered to clear their trash for them. At one point I draped a paper towel over my left forearm like a fancy server at a high-end restaurant and asked a coworker if they saved any room for dessert.