
Nurse Cindy comes running down the elementary school hallway, her face tense with urgency. One of the teachers murmurs, “That’s not like her…”

Curious, I take off after her. “Nurse Cindy!” I call, but she barely glances back.

“Not now, I’m busy,” she says, pushing forward.

“I’m coming with you,” I insist, matching her pace.

As we near the bus lot, I finally get the answer—one of the bus drivers’ blood sugar has dropped dangerously low, and he’s collapsed.

“What can I do?” I ask as we approach.

“Go to my office,” she says quickly. “There’s peanut butter in my cabinet. Grab a plastic spoon and bring it back. Hurry!”

Without hesitation, I take off running, rain pelting against me as I sprint across the campus. My shoes skid on the wet pavement, but I push on, heart pounding. Reaching her office, I fumble through the cabinet, struggling to find the peanut butter. Finally, my hands close around the jar.

I race back, breathless, and hand it to her. She takes it with a grateful nod, immediately getting to work.

I double over, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. At that moment, the principal walks by and says, “ you really need to work on your cardio. “ 🤪


One response to “🏃‍♀️🏃”

  1. Joe_Schmo Avatar

    This morning, she thanked me for the gesture. How nice!

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